Some of my friends and I got together for dinner. They all gave me The cutest girl things like dresses, warm outfits, toys and other baby things. I just have to show off a few handmade gift I love. Lara W. makes these hair things for I was hoping she would make me some. As you can see she made me lots and I love them . Lori L. got a sewing machine for her birthday this year. She made me these cute burp cloths with minky and ribbons.
Paul said I couldn't buy another crib set. There was no way I was going to let my little girl be surrounded by trucks, trains and planes. Now you see trucks, and now you don't. I took left over scraps from other projects to welcome my little baby girl into this world. I only took a month of needle work. Someone said to me don't put so much time in just a bumper pad that is only going to be used for a few months, I just had to. I made it double sided. When the baby out grows it I am going to cut it down and use the panels in a toddler quilt for her. Its amazing those little scraps and time will be a memorable piece for her.
I have left my twenties in the dust. I am happily married to my husband, Paul. We have three kids, two young boys, Wyatt and Dean. I got my girl Gracie. We also have a dog named Razor.